Consolidate Debt



Millions of Americans are up to their necks in debt, debt that seems to crush their spirits and their wallets. Sometimes a solution to managing debt brought on by credit cards, student loans, auto loans or other loan types is to complete a home mortgage loan refinancing. Refinancing ones home mortgage loan can enable the borrower to take various other debts and add them to the total loan amount. By adding the amount one owns on his or her credit card or car payment they reduce the amount of payments the owe each month down to one simple payment. Since mortgages can take sometimes as long as 30 years to pay off like a 30 year fixed rate mortgage, the amount owed each month is significantly less than what it would have been normally.


Refinancing can show lenders that you are prepared to make the correct decisions to get your debt under control. You are going to make it manageable and that shows kindly in the eyes of lenders. If you can successfully refinance your home mortgage loan and consolidate your debt into one loan you will be in a position that will enable you to improve your credit rating instead of keeping it relatively the same and paying only interest on those high interest rate credit cards. Even with bad credit a refinancing to consolidate can still be an option, in fact, most lenders will be pleased with the step the borrower is taking to reduce the amount of debt payments they have each month to one.


The really lucky borrowers can even get a lower interest rate than their current mortgage has and consolidate their debt at the same time. This enables the borrower to see the maximum of savings on their home mortgage loan refinancing. Especially if they are able to get the closing costs taken down or added to the loan instead of paying up front during the refinancing process.Though, most borrowers who are refinancing their home mortgage loans to consolidate debt will receive a higher interest rate on their refinanced loan. The reason for the higher interest rate is due to the fact that the loan they are receiving will be a higher initial balance and therefore more of a risk to the lender. Not to mention that someone who needs to refinance to get out of the stress of piling debt probably does not have the best credit in the land.